
[Photograph: Chris Cuzme]

Days before I left New York for St. Louis, my good friend Chris Cuzme invited me to write this dubbel recipe—I call it 'Parting Glass'—and brew it with him at 508 Gastrobrewery in Tribeca. He'd just been hired on as head brewer, and he wanted something that would pair well with 508's food for his first batch. It was a good send-off and a great honor. I can't wait to taste how it came out, but for now here are Chris' tasting notes:

Sweet dark fruits, fruitcake, and a touch of pumpernickel bread dance with elegant and complex phenolics. The beer is balanced and the yeast doesn't interfere with the flavors of the sweet malt and dark Belgian candi sugar; everything has its place. It is an incredible pairing beer for grilled fig, blue cheese, and serrano flatbread or mushroom pappardelle.

The recipe is modified slightly for brewing at home.

Original Gravity: 1.071
Final Gravity: 1.013
ABV: 7.6%
Bitterness: 25 IBUs
Color: 21 SRM (ruby brown)

About This Recipe

Yield: makes about 6 gallons (5 gallons in the carboy)
Active time: 5 hours
Total time: 2 to 3 months
Special equipment: 10 gallon mash tun, 8 gallon kettle, basic equipment, oxygenation stone (optional)
This recipe appears in: How to Brew Your Own Belgian Dubbel


  • 7 pounds Belgian Pilsner malt
  • 3 pounds light Munich malt
  • 8 ounces pale wheat malt
  • 8 ounces Caramunich
  • 8 ounces aromatic malt
  • 4 ounces special B malt
  • 4 ounces chocolate malt
  • 1/2 ounce Magnum hops, 15% AA (first wort hop)
  • 1 pound Dark Candi Inc. D Belgian candi syrup (60 minutes)
  • 1 tablet Whirlfloc (15 minutes)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Wyeast yeast nutrient blend (10 minutes)
  • Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity yeast


  1. Heat 15 quarts tap water to 160°F and add to mash tun.

  2. Mash-in slowly, adding all grains to the mash tun while stirring to prevent clumping. The mash temperature should equalize to 149°F.

  3. In a separate container, heat 9 3/4 quarts tap water to 202°F.

  4. Mash out by adding 9 3/4 quarts of 202°F tap water to mash tun, while stirring, after allowing the mash to rest for 60 minutes. Temperature should equalize to approximately 168°F.

  5. Leave at mash out temperature for 15 minutes. In a separate container, heat 2 1/2 gallons tap water to 172°F.

  6. Slowly drain off wort and add back to mash tun, recirculating until the wort runs clear and free of grain particles.

  7. Drain mash tun to boil kettle, sparging with 2 1/2 gallons of 172°F tap water. Add hops.

  8. After all mash runnings are collected, add sugars and record preboil gravity. Bring wort to boil.

  9. Allow wort to boil 60 minutes, adding Whirlfloc and yeast nutrients as noted above. (If your brewing system doesn't produce a vigorous boil, consider extending the boil to 75 or 90 minutes and adding the hops at 60 minutes.)

  10. Chill wort and transfer to a sanitized carboy or bucket with an airlock. Aerate by shaking or oxygenate with an oxygenation stone.

  11. Pitch yeast and allow to ferment at 64°F to 66°F for 2 to 3 days, then allow fermentation temperature to free rise.

  12. Rack beer to second sanitized carboy or bucket and allow to condition, tasting periodically to check on flavor development.

  13. Bottle or keg at 2.5 to 3 volumes. (Keg if you like, but this will really shine when bottle conditioned.)