Bake the Book

[Photograph: Jean-Pierre Gabriel]

The jewel juice of blood oranges and the gelatinized crunch of chia seeds come together in this Le Pain Quotidien porridge. Fresh, cool, and perfect for summer.

Reprinted with permission by Alain Coumont. Copyright © 2013. Published by Mitchell Beazley. Available wherever books are sold. All rights reserved.

About This Recipe


  • 4 teaspoons chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup (4fl oz/125ml) blood orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon agave syrup or acacia honey
  • 2 blood oranges, peeled
  • 1/2 cup (4oz/125g) soy or plain (natural) yogurt


  1. Put the chia seeds, blood orange juice and agave syrup into 
a bowl and mix together. Put the bowl in the refrigerator 
for at least 30 minutes, or until the chia seeds have absorbed all the liquid.

  2. Using a sharp knife, segment the oranges by cutting away the pith and membrane so that only the flesh remains.

  3. Divide the chia mixture between 2 bowls, add the blood orange segments and top each portion with half the yogurt. Serve immediately.